B.A./B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester
Political Science
Paper-Political Theory-I
Time Allowed: Three Hours) [Maximum Marks: 90
(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Do any 9 answers in 20 to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
(2) Do one question from each unit. Each question carries 18 marks.
(3) Marks of private candidates will be increased proportionately in lieu of internal assessment.
Attempt any 9 questions: (9x2)
(i) Define Political Science.
(ii) Give two differences between History and Political Science.
(iii) What is contribution of Economics to Political Science?
(iv) Name four essential elements of State.
(v) Give four differences between State and Government
(vi) What are Hobbe's views on state of nature?
(vii) Discuss Locke's views on state of nature.
(viii) Name four supporters of Liberalism.
(ix) Give four features of Gandh's ideal State.
(x) Discuss four objectives of Welfare State.
(xi) What is meant by Laissez Faire ?
(xii) What is internal Sovereignty ?
(xii) Who gave the legal theory of Sovereignty?
(xiv) What is meant by interest articulation ?
(xv) What is feedback loop mechanism?
2. Discuss the scope of Political Science. 18
3. What is the relationship between Political Science and Sociology?
4. Define State. Give differences between State and Society. 6,12
5. Discuss the Social Contract theory about Origin of State.
6. Discuss the liberal view of State's nature. 18
7. What is a Socialist State? What are functions of a State according to Socialist perspective ?
8. Define Sovereignty. Discuss its types. 6,12
What are functions of a Political System according to Almond and Powell ? 18
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