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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Bachelor of Commerce B.Com 1st Semester
English and Business Communication Skills
Paper: BCM-102

Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80


(1) Attempt ALL the questions. 

(2) Parts of a question should be attempted together.


Attempt any THREE of the following in 100-120 words each :

(a) Explain in your own words the title of the story "The Model Millionaire'. 

(b) "The Gift of the Magi' is a well-knit story with a twist at the end so as to mingle pathos and humour. Elaborate. 

(c) Why is Vikramaditya known as the greatest judge in India? 

(d) The two women in the story are a study in contrast. How do they differ from each other? (Fur) 

(e) Draw the character sketch of Iyan Lomov. (A Marriage Proposal). 4x3-12

II. Attempt any ONE of the following in 300-350 words :

(a) In the story "The Gift of the Magi' the author calls Jim and Della foolish as well as the wisest of all. Do you agree with this statement and why? 

(b) Compare and contrast the characters of Eleanor and Suzzane. (Fur) 10

III. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:

We have been talking about the evils of child labour for the last 10 years in this country. But the number of working children seems to be increasing. Instead of building up a groundswell of public opinion against child labour and for compulsory primary education, we are still talking about child labour as being necessary for the survival of the family. The debate has not changed radically in the last 10 years. The result is that children continue to work in the most hazardous conditions and compulsory education in still a dream.

The presence of child labour in hazardous industries is a gross violation of human rights. If children are not dying in explosions, they are dying a slow but sure death in the glass, brassware, lock, slate, balloon, brick-kiln and other industries.

Not only are children working in hazardous industries, they are also engaged in the most hazardous processes in industries which adults to not want to touch. In the glass industry, children are primarily engaged in removing molten glass from the furnaces. Since the furnaces are designed for adults, the child's face is almost touching the wall of the furnaces. It is not all. Accidents happen all the time and most of them go unreported. Doctors refuse to treat injured or severely ill patients. A common complaint I heard from workers in all the industries I studied - glass, lock, brassware, pottery and gemstone - was that doctors tell them to come back to them for treatment when they are better. Doctors refuse to treat severely injured patients as they have to necessarily report medico-legal cases.

Child labour in hazardous industry at least needs to be banned by a Presidential order or something dramatic and serious like that. Parents also cannot be allowed to justify sending their children to work in such industries on the grounds of poverty. A massive countrywide campaign needs to be launched - like the campaign on the girl child - stating clearly the punitive action which would be taken if children were found to be employed. 

Answer the following questions briefly : 

(1) What is the result of the debates held on "Child Labour for the last ten years? 

(2) Name some of the hazardous industries where children are often found working. 

(3) Why do parents send their children to work? 

(4) What is the need of the hour? 

(5) Who do accidents generally go unreported? 

(6) Explain in simple English the meanings of the words:

(a), Punitive (b) Hazards. 2x6=12 

IV. Match the following – 

Delightful throw 

Adore weep 

Prudence         imitate 

Sob         happy 

Pelt         wisdom 

Mimic like 1x6-6


V. Write a letter to the manager of a bank enquiring about the various financial assistance schemes floated by it. Give the details of the project you wish to be financed by the bank.


You had placed an order with a firm, but the articles supplied to you are inferior to those ordered by you. Write a letter to the party concerned complaining about it and asking for the replacement of the articles. 10

VI. Do any FOUR of the following: 

(a) Write a memo to the office manager informing him of the purchase of the office chairs. 

(b) Draft a public notice regarding the opening of a new branch of a bank 

(c) Draft a notice for the auction of your office furniture. 

(d) Invite tenders from printing presses for the publication of your School Board Textbooks. 

(e) Draft an advertisement announcing the shifting of your office to a new building. 5x4=20 

VII. Do any TWO of the following :

(a) What are the various types of non-verbal communication? How can non-verbal communication be used effectively? 

(b) What is an interview? Explain the different types of interviews. 

(c) What is business communication? What is the need and importance of business communication? 5x2=10


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