B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester
Paper-B: Cell Biology
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 36
Note:- Attempt five questions in all including Question No. 1, which is compulsory, and selecting one question from each unit.
1. (A) Multiple choice questions:
(i) The linker DNA connecting two nucleosomes contains the following histone molecule :
(a) H1 (b) - H2 ]
(c) H3 (d) H4
(ii) The inner membrane of mitochondria investigates into finger-like enfolds known as:
(a) Granules (b) Cristae
(c) Thylakoids (d) Cisternae
(iii) The segments not required during translation and hence removed during splicing from mRNA are called :
(a) Introns (b) Exons
(c) Mutons (d) Cistrons
(iv) Double trisomy is represented by :
(a) 2n + 1 (b) 2n + 1 + 1
(c) 2n-1 (d) 2n - 1 – 1
(v) RNA primer required during DNA replication is synthesized by the enzyme :
(a) DNA polymerase
(b) RNA polymerase
(c) Primase
(d) Reverse transcriptase
(vi) Double metaphasic plate is seen during the following division:
(a) Meiosis I
(b) Meiosis II
(c) Both Meiosis I and II
(d) Mitosis 1x6=6
(B) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Lampbrush chromosomes are in__________stage of meiosis.
(ii) DNA is a double stranded helical macro-molecule made up of subunits known as__________.
(iii) Various enzymes contained by lysosomes, which act on acidic pH, are generally known as _________.
(iv) Coupling factors (CF. - CF) present in thylakoids of chloroplast are involved in process of___________.
(v) The condensed, darkly stained, and late replicating part of chromatin is known as_________.
(vi) RNA polymerase binds itself to the_______ region of DNA template during transcription. 1*6=6
2. What are Ribosomes? Discuss in detail the ultra-structure of a eukaryotic ribosome along with well-labeled diagrams.6
3. Write in detail the structure of mitochondria along with well-labeled diagrams. Why it is called a semi-autonomous organelle? 6
4. What is Duplication? Give its types, effects, and importance. 6
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Polytene chromosomes
(b) Polyploidy. 3+3=6
6. Give a detailed mechanism of DNA replication with the help of well-labeled diagrams.
7. Briefly discuss the following:
(a) Synaptonemal complex
(b) Nucleosome. 3+3=6
8. Describe the structure and functions of various types of RNAS involved in the process of Translation. 6
9. Describe in detail the regulation of gene activity with respect to the Lac operon system. 6
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