B.A./B.Sc. (General) 2nd Semester
Paper: III Physical Geography-II (Climatology & Oceanography)
Time Allowed: Three Hours][Maximum Marks: 60
Note:- (1) Attempt five questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
Select one question from each of the four units. Credit will be given for suitable maps/diagrams and examples. Students can use unmarked/transparent stencils of the world/country and coloured pen/ pencil.
(2) For USOL/Reappear/Improvement candidate(s) who have not been assessed earlier for Internal Assessment, the question paper in
their case shall be of maximum marks allotted to the paper.
Attempt any ten in about 25 words each :
(i) Climate and weather
(ii) Normal Lapse Rate (iii) Mean annual temperature and how is it calculated?
(iv) Precipitation and its types.
(v) What is meant by the physical structure of the atmosphere?
(vi) Atmospheric pressure.
(vii) Pollution and pollutants.
(viii)Ferrel's Law.
(ix) Horse latitudes.
(x) Doldrums.
(xi) Trade winds.
(xii) Ocean deeps.
(xiii) Wave height and length.
(xiv) Benthos.
(xv) Gulf Stream. 10x2=20
2.What is Climatology and Metrology? Discuss the nature and scope of climatology. 3+7=10
3.Explain Solar Insolation, discuss the horizontal distribution of insolation on the Earth. 10
4.What is meant by Atmospheric disturbances? Discuss cyclones in detail with the help of diagrams. 2+8=10
5.Define Global Warming and discuss its causes, consequences, and controls in detail.
6.Defining Ocean and Oceanography. Discuss the different types of topographical features of the ocean floor with the help of diagrams. 10
7.What is Salinity? Discuss the ocean water salinity pattern in the world with the help of maps. 10
8. What do you mean by Ocean water movements? Discuss ocean currents of the Atlantic Ocean with the help of the map. 2+8=10
9. Write notes on :
(a) Role of Ocean currents in temperature distribution
(b) Ocean deposits. 5x2-10
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