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Thursday, August 12, 2021

B.A./B.Sc. (General) 3rd Semester Examination

Paper: Elective

Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 90

Note :- (i) Attempt all questions.

(ii) Attempt all parts of the question together.


1. Write a short note in about 50-60 words on any five of the following literary terms :

(i) Drama

(ii) Mystery Plays

(iii) Verse Drama

(iv) Poetic Drama

(v) Rasa Theory

(vi) Puppetry

(vii) Tragic Hero

(viii) Yaksgana  15

Give reference to the context to any two of the following passages :

(i) I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

(ii) What if my house be troubled with a rat,

And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducats

To have it baned ? What, are you answered

yet ?

Some men there are love not a gaping pig,

Some that are mad if they behlod a cat,

And others when the bagpipe sings i'th' nose

Cannot contain their urine; for affection,

Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood

Of what it likes or loathes .......

So can I give no reason, nor I will not,

More than a lodged hate and a certain loathing

I bear Antonio, that I follow thus

A losing suit against him. Are you answered ? 

(iii) The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as the gentle rain form heaven

Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessed;

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes :

'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes

The throned monarch better than his crown.   15

3. Answer the following in about 300–350 words:

Discuss the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio. What does their friendship reveal about their characters?


To what extent is Shylock defined by his Jewishness? 

To what extent is he define by his profession?   15


4. Read the following passage and frame a dialogue based on the passage in your own words:

George asked Chris to let him go to his father and settle the matter for good. He said that in ten minutes he would get the answer. He asked him if he was afraid of the answer. Chris replied that he was not afraid of the answer because he knew what it was. However, his mother was not well and he did not want a fight there at that time. George insisted on going to his father. Chris warned him that he was not going to start a fight there. George then asked Ann what more she wanted. Ann turned her head and said that someone was coming. Chris requested George not to say anything. Ann said that he would go soon and she would call a cab for him. George, however, insisted that she would come with him. Ann told him not to mention the subject of marriage because they had not told her anything. She asked him not to start anything new there. Mother, meanwhile, entered and addressed George. George also greeted her, saying hello. She told George that they had made an old man out of him. She pointed to his hair and said that it had already turned grey. She said that she had told him not to try for medals when he went away. George replied that he did not try for medals but they made the medals easy for him. Mother then turned to Ann. Showing her anger, she scolded her for telling her that George was fine. She said that he looked like a ghost. George said that he was alright and she should not worry about him. Mother then asked George to sit down and said that she would make a sandwich for him. But George said that he was not hungry at all.

5. Identify the figure of speech (simile, metaphor, alliteration, assonance) in the following sentences :

(i.) The river flows like a stream of glass.

(ii) Six Flags is the aquarium of roller coasters.

(iii) Johnny went here and there and everywhere.

(iv) Round and round she ran until she realized she was running round and round.

(v) His headache was as painful as a root canal without the benefit of laughing gas.

(vi) Their home was a prison.

(vii) Her lovely voice was music to his ears.

(viii) Go and mow the lawn.

(ix) Please put your pen away and play the piano.

(x)Lazy lizards lying like lumps!    10

6. Do as directed :

(a) Use the following idioms and phrases in your own sentences :

Air one's grievances, To beat the air, To call a spade a spade, To be at a loss, Through thick and thin.  5

(b) Complete the following incomplete sentences :

(i) I had seen the tigress...........

(ii)............ because he worked hard.

(iii) No sooner does he see me ..........

(iv) Which is the road that .............

(v) He gained popularity....................  5

(c) Give one word for the following:

(i) An institution for the reformation of young offenders

(ii) A person who lives an austere and lonely life

(iii) One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals

(iv) A plant or animal growing on depending on another

(v) To remove from one place to another for safety

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

A snow leopard roars in the high mountains of Asia. A black rhinoceros gallops across the plains of Africa. A grizzly bear hunts for fish in a North American river. A mother blue whale and her calf glide through the deep waters of the ocean. All of these animals share the Earth with us. They fascinate us with their beauty, their grace, and their speed. We love observing their behavior, and learning more about their habits. But just loving them is not enough.

All of these animals are endangered. Many of them have died, and without special care, they may someday disappear from the Earth. Why is it important to care for animals like these? One reason is to protect the balance of life on Earth. Another reason is the beauty of the animals themselves. Each species of animal is special. Once it is gone, it is gone forever.

Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals. But that is changing fast. One of these animals, the black rhinoceros, lives on the plains of Africa. It has very poor eyesight and a very bad temper! Even though the black rhino is powerful, and can be dangerous, its strength can't always help it to escape hunters. Some people think that the rhino's horn has magical powers, and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns. This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list. The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa. It once had no natural enemies but is now endangered-killed for its ivory tusks. The fastest land animal, the cheetah, also lives in Africa. It, too, is becoming extinct as people take over more and more of the land that is the cheetah's natural habitat. Imagine Africa without the powerful rhino, the gentle, intelligent elephant, or the lightning-quick cheetah. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. Wherever people are careless about the land, there are endangered species. Grizzly bears like to wander great distances. Each bear needs up to 1,500 square miles of territory to call its homeland. Today, because forests have been cleared to make room for people, the grizzly's habitat is shrinking and the grizzly is disappearing. It joins other endangered North American animals, such as the red wolf and the American crocodile.

In South America, the destruction of the rainforest threatens many animals. Unusual mammals, such as the howler monkey and the three-toed, sloth, are

endangered. Beautiful birds like the great green macaw and the golden parakeet are also becoming extinct. They're losing their homes in the rain forest, and thousands die when they are caught and shipped off to be sold as exotic pets. The giant panda of Asia is a fascinating and unique animal. Yet there are only about 1,000 still living in the wild. The giant panda's diet consists mainly of the bamboo plant, so when the bamboo forests die, so does the panda. China is now making an effort to protect these special creatures from becoming extinct. Asia's big cats are also in trouble. The exotic snow leopard lives high in the mountains. Even there, it faces the loss of its natural habitat and hunters who kill it for its fur. The tiger, the largest of all the big cats, is hunted merely for sport. Ocean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well. The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. It weighs up to 390,000 pounds. Whale hunting and pollution are this species' greatest enemies.

Unfortunately, it is people who cause many of the problems that animals face. We alter and pollute their habitats. We hunt them for skins, tusks, furs, and horns. We destroy animals that get in the way of farming or building. And we remove them from their natural habitats and take them home as pets. What can you do to help endangered animals? Learn as much as you can about them. The more you know, the more you can help. Make an effort to support zoos and wildlife groups. Many zoos breed endangered animals, helping to ensure that they will continue to live on. Contribute to groups, such as the National Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club, that work hard to protect animals. You can also be a smart shopper and never buy a pet that has been raised in the wilderness. The world is made up of many living things, and each thing is dependent on the others to survive. If we allow even one species on Earth to become extinct, it has an impact on other living things and changes our world. When we mention any endangered wild animals, let's hope that we never again have to say, "Gone forever."

Answer the following questions :

(i) How do wild animals share the Earth with us?

(ii) Why do we need to care for the wild animals?

(iii) What do you understand by the term "endangered animals”? Which Asian animals have been declared endangered?

(iv) What is a natural habitat? How can we protect natural habitats?

(v) What efforts are being made to save wild animals all over the world?


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