Police Administration
(Police Personnel Administration)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90
Note :- (i) Attempt five questions in all.
(ii) Select one question from each Unit.
(iii) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Attempt any nine in 25–30 words each :
(i) What do you understand by Police Personnel Administration ?
(ii) Explain Career System.
(iii) What is Job Description ?
(iv) What is Indirect Recruitment ?
(v) Explain Compensation.
(vi) What do you understand by Doctrine of Pleasure?
(vii) Define Recruitment.
(viii) State two rules of conduct for Police Personnel in India.
(ix) Explain Termination.
(x) Give two causes of corruption in Police Forces in India.
(xi) Give two defects of promotion system of Police Personnel in India.
(xii) Why training is given to Police Personnel in India ? 9x2=18
2. Discuss the nature and scope of Police Personnel Administration. 18
3. What is the need of Career System in Police Administration ? 18
4. Define Job Analysis. What is the need of job analysis in Police Personnel Administration in India ?
5. Write an essay on Pay Policy and Compensation of Police Personnel in India.
6. Define Training. What are the types of training of Police Personnel in India ?
7. Discuss various principles of promotion of Police Personnel in India.
8. What is the need of Police Ethics and Code of Conduct in Police Personnel in India ?
9. Write a detailed note on Performance Appraisal of Police Personnel in India.
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