B.A./B.Sc. (Hons.) 4th Semester
Paper - I: Industrial Economics
Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 90
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. I which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit.
1. Attempt any nine the following:
a) Define industrial Economics.
b) Outline different forms of firm.
c) What is sales maximization principle?
d) Discuss the properties of Monopolist Competition.
e) Give four measures of seller concentration.
f) Outline different types of mergers.
g) Discuss various managerial constraints on the growth of firm.
h) What you mean by balance regional development.
i) Name five most industrialized states of India.
j) Outline Five decontrolled measures of Industrial policy 1994.
k) Is India an Industrialized Economy?
l) Discuss the level of growth in manufacturing sector in last 10 years. (9x2)
II. Critically evaluate various objectives of the firm. (18)
III. Discuss the relationship between industrial structure and level of economic growth in any economy. (18)
IV. Critically evaluate various methods via which a firm can achieve higher economies of scale. (18)
V. What do you mean by vertical integration and its types? Also discuss how vertical integration can be achieved by a firm. (18)
VI. Critically evaluate the concept of centralized and balance regional development in an economy (18)
VII. Account for various factors for concentration of industries and dispersal of industries in India in last 20 Years. (18)
VIII. Critically evaluate the limitations and benefits of India's liberalized policies initiated after 1991. (18)
IX. Discuss the role of Stare in the industrialization in India in the last five decades. (18)
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