B.A. /B.Sc. (General) Fourth Semester
Paper: Experimental Psychology
Time allowed: 3 Hours][ Max. Marks: 70
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory and select one question from each Unit. Candidates are allowed to use statistical tables and non-programmable calculators.
I. Attempt any seven of the following:
a) Yates Correction
b) Focus gambling
c) Incubation
d) Organ of Corti
e) Division of Attention
f) Organic Sensation
g) Illusions
h) Skewness
i) Law of Closure
j) Wavelength
k) Convergent Thinking
l) Type - Error
II. Elucidate on theories of auditory sensation.
III. Explain structure and functioning of eye with help of diagram.
IV. Write short notes on:
a) Perceptual Constancies
b) Figure and background principle
V. Define attention. Elucidate on subjective and objective factors affecting attention.
VI. Critically analyze Torrance theory of Creativity.
Write short notes on:
a) Stages of Concept Formation
b) Strategies of Problem Solving
VIII. Given a distribution of scores with a mean of 12 and o of 4. Assuming normality, calculate:
a) What percentage of cases fall between 8 and 16?
b) What percentage of cases lie above score 18?
IX. 100 boys ad 60 girls were asked to select one of the five elective subjects. The choice of two sexes were tabulated separately.
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