B.A. /B.Sc. (Hons.) 4th Semester
Paper-Recent Perspectives of Psychology
Time Allowed: Three Hours][ Maximum Marks: 90
Note:- (1) Attempt five questions in all.
(2) Question No. 1 is compulsory. It has 12 short questions of which 9 short questions have to be attempted, with 2 marks each. (2x9=18 Marks)
(3) Attempt one essay-type question each from Units I to IV. (18 marks each.)
I. Attempt any nine questions in 25-30 words each :
(1) Positive Psychology
(2) Subjective well-being.
(3) Self-actualization
(4) Autonomy
(5) Hedonism
(6) Empathy
(7) Social Support
(8) Meditation
(9) Martin Seligman
(10) Positive Affect
(11) Gratitude
(12) Quality of life.
Attempt any one question.
II. Define Emotional Intelligence. Explain Goleman's theory in detail.
III. What is Emotional Intelligence? How does Salovey conceptualize the Emotional Intelligence theory?
Attempt any one question.
IV. Define Spirituality and write a note on the measurement of Spirituality.
V. Are well-being and Spirituality interrelated? Explain.
Attempt any one question.
VI. Write a detailed note on the concept and symptoms of Stress.
VII. What is the role of Stress in coronary heart disease?
Attempt any one question.
VIII. Explain the concept of Positive Emotions. How can Positive Emotions be linked to mental health ?
IX. Define Forgiveness. Explain the role of forgiveness in improving mental health.
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