B.A. /B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
Public Administration
Paper-Financial Administration with Special Reference to India
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 90
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Attempt the rest of the four questions, selecting one question from each Unit. Each question carries 18 marks.
1. Compulsory: Attempt any nine (9). Each question will carry 2 marks:
(i) What is Rule of Lapse ?
(ii) What is Zero-based Budget ?
(iii) Define Financial Administration.
(iv) In which year was audit separated from accounts in India ?
(v) What is policy cut motion ? (vi) What is Contingency Fund of India ?
(vii) What is Money Bill ?
(viii) Who appoints the Finance Commission ?
(ix) What does Article 148 stand for? (x) Define Public Debt.
(xi) Give two merits of VAT.
(xii) Give two types of Audit.
2. Define Budget. Discuss its principles.
3. How is the Budget enacted/passed in India ?
4. Discuss the financial relations between the Centre and State.
5. Discuss the composition and functions of Union Finance Commission.
6. Discuss the appointment, functions and role of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
7. Write notes on any two:
(a) Deficit Financing
(b) Fiscal Deficit
(c) Public Expenditure.
8. How does the legislature exercise control over the financial administration?
9. Discuss the composition, function and utility of the Public Estimates Committee.
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