B.A. /B.Sc. (General) Fourth Semester
Paper -: Sample Surveys, Design and Analysis of Experiments
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 65
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. I which is compulsory and selecting atleast two questions from each Section
1. (i) Distinguish between convenience sampling and judgment sampling.
(ii) Describe the method for computing sample size in SRSWOR.
(iii) What is the difference between replication and repetition in design of experiment?
(iv) How many degrees of freedom are there for error sum of square in two-way analysis of variance with one observation per cell. Justify your answer.
(v) What do you mean by Experimental error?
2. (a) Discuss sampling and non -sampling errors. How will you optimize sampling and non-sampling errors.
(b) What are the advantages of sample survey over complete enumeration? Explain main steps involved in the planning and execution of large scale survey.
3. How does simple random sampling without replacement differ from simple random sampling with replacement? Which of them gives a lower value of the standard deviation of the sample mean? Explain by considering samples of two from a population consisting of the five numbers 2, 3, 6, 8, 11.
4. (a) Discuss one-way analysis of variance stating the underlying model used, analysis and its assumptions.
(b) Distinguish between fixed effects model and random effects model in Analysis of variance.
5. (a) What is the difference between 'variability within classes' and 'variability between classes"?
(b) Explain giving suitable example. (b) Explain in detail two-way analysis of variance with m observations per cell. State the underlying model used, hypothesis and assumptions.
6. Explain the three basic principles of design of experiments. What is Randomized Block design? Write down its underlying model and analysis. Also find its efficiency over complete randomized design.
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