B.A. /B.Sc. (Hons.) 4th Semester
Paper: Opt. (ii) Urban Geography And Elementary Course
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 90
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each Unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Candidates are allowed to use stencils. Credit will be given to suitable maps and diagrams.
1. Answer any ten of the following in 25-30 words each:
(a) Define Town
(b) K-3 Principal of Christaller Theory
(c) Attributes of Rural-Urban Fringe
(d) Primate City
(e) Ecological invasion
(f) Rural-urban relations
(g) Census classification of Towns legal
(h) List major towns of the Ancient Period
(i) Rank-size rules
(j) Urbanization and Urbanism
(k) Functions of Urban settlement
(l) Size and spacing of cities
(m) Central business district
(n) Dual City
(0) Urban geography.
II. Define Urban Geography. Discuss its Nature, Scope and Importance.
III. Discuss the Morphology of the towns of medieval period by giving suitable examples.
IV. Distinguish between site and situation. Discuss the importance of site and situation in the development of a city.
V. What are urban ecological processes? Discuss various types of ecological processes.
VI. Compare and contrast the internal structure of Chandigarh and Lundiana.
VII. Evaluate the Sector theory and Multiple Nuclei Theory in the light of their characteristics and applicability.
VIII. What are Umland and its attributes? On which bases will you demarcate the umland of a metropolitan city in Punjab? Explain with suitable examples.
IX. Define Rural-Urban fringe? Discuss the salient characteristics of rural urban fringe with regard to its land use and population density.
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