B.A. / B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
Paper-Western Ethics
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 90
Note : (1) Attempt any five questions in all.
(ii) Question No. 1 of Section A is compulsory. (ii) Answer one question each from Sections B, C, D, and E.
(iv) All questions carry equal marks.
(v) For private candidates who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of paper in lieu of internal assessment.
1. Answer any nine of the following (not exceeding 25-30 words) :
(i) State the meaning of Good.
(ii) Define Duty.
(iii) State any one difference between Ethics and Aesthetics.
(iv) State any one difference between Ethics and Religion.
(v) Define Reflective Morality.
(vi) What is Moral Judgement?
(vii) Distinguish between Hypothetical and Categorical Imperative.
(viii) What is Love according to Christianity?
(ix) What is Virtue according to Aristotle?
(x) Define Psychological Hedonism.
(xi) Why is Mill's Hedonism termed as Qualitative Hedonism ?
(xii) Mention anyone measure which can stop sexual harassment of women at the workplace.
(xiii) What does Moral Rights of foetus mean?
(xiv) Define Pollution.
(xv) What is Organic Farming ?
2. Explain the notions of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.
3. Write a note on the object of Moral Judgement.
4. Discuss Aristotle's doctrine of 'Eudaemonia'.
5. Discuss in detail the ethical views of Kant.
6. Critically examine Bentham's theory of Hedonism.
7. Explain J.S. Mill's statement "An Unsatisfied Socrates is better than a Pig Satisfied."
8. Why is it necessary to check the practice of female foeticide and how can it be effectively checked?
9. Discuss various measures which can be adopted to check Water Pollution and Air Pollution.
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