B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
Paper-II: Biochemistry and Animal Physiology-II (Zoo-402)
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 36
Note:- Attempt five questions selecting one question from each Unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Explain briefly:
(a) Ketosis
(b) Transamination
(c) Osmoregulation
(d) Calcium in muscle contraction
(e) Neurotransmitter
(f) Insulin and glucagon
(g) Renin-angiotensin
(h) Myelinated nerve fibre.
2. Describe beta-oxidation of fatty acids.
3. (a) Explain the process of lipogenesis in tissues.
(b) What is gluconeogenesis ?
4. (a) What is oxidative deamination?
(b) How decarboxylation of amino acids takes place?
5. Describe the Ornithine cycle in detail.
6. Describe the process of the counter-current mechanisms.
7. Describe the ultrastructure of muscle fibre.
8. Write notes on :
(a) Myoneural junction
(b) Resting membrane potential.
9. (a) Describe the structure and functions of hormones secreted by the ovary
(b) Describe the role of cortisol and epinephrine in glucose metabolism.
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