B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
Paper-1: Biodiversity (Chordates) and Evolution-II (Z00-401)
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 36
Note: — Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer the following briefly:
(a) Jacobson's Organs
(b) Poison apparatus of snakes
(c) Pecten
(d) Habitat of Casuarius
(e) Economic importance of rat
(f) Heterodont dentition in mammals
(g) Microevolution
(h) Biological species.
2. Give an account of the respiratory system of Uromastix.
3. Write brief ecological notes on any two of the following:
(i) Chelone
(ii) Vipera
(iii) Crocodilus.
4. Explain any two of the following: -
(i) Mechanism of respiration in Columba
(ii) Structure of eye of Columba
(iii) Structure of internal ear of Columba.
5. Describe the flight adaptations of pigeon.
6. Explain the anatomy of the heart of rat.
7. Write brief ecological notes on any two of the following:
(i) Echidna
(ii) Funambulus
(iii) Herpestes.
8. Write concise notes on :
(i) Contribution of fossils in the evolution of species.
(ii) Mega evolution.
9. Give a concise account of the evolution of man.
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