BCA 4th Semester
Client-Server Computing Using Oracle
Paper: BCA-402
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 90
Note: - Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question each from Sections (A to D). Entire Question No. IX is compulsory in Section E.
I. (a) What is DBMS? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
(b) What is Normalization? What are the problems arising out of unnormalized data? Describe the first three Normal Forms with examples.
II. (a) Explain in detail client-server architecture. Also, explain its benefits and pitfalls.
(b) Explain the usage of ORDER BY, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.
III. (a) What is a View? Explain how the base table can be manipulated through Views. Why are they considered so powerful? Write their limitation also. What are the various types of joins in Oracle? Explain with examples.
IV. (a) Explain the Union, Intersect and Minus operations using suitable example.
(b) What is a Privilege ? Explain its types. How are Privileges granted or revoked ?
V. (a) What is the difference between SQL and PL/SQL? Given the PL/SQL block structure. Also, explain the architecture of PL/SQL.
(b) Describe the following:
(i) Composite Data types
(ii) Scope and visibility of a Variable.
VI. Describe various Conditional and Iterative Control structures available in PL/SQL.
VII. (a) Explain the role of Implicit and Explicit Cursor. Also, enlist the various steps involved in the Cursor Management in PL/SQL.
(b) What are the different types of Exception in PL/SQL ? How are they handled? Write a PL/SQL program that handles the TOO-MANY-ROWS exception.
VIII. (a) What is the difference between Procedure and a Function? Write a procedure that accepts two numbers and displays the product of two numbers.
(b) How Triggers are managed in Oracle? Describe various types of Triggers.
IX. Entire question is compulsory:
(i) What is DDL?
(ii) What is the dual table?
(ii) Explain any two aggregate functions with examples.
(iv) What is ROLLUP operation ?
(v) What is the use of COMMIT?
(vi) How non-PL/SQL variables are referenced in PL/SQL blocks?
(vii) What is the purpose of SET SERVER OUTPUT ON in PL/SQL?
(viii) Describe the advantages of using packages in PL/SQL.
(ix) Differentiate between actual and formal parameters in PL/SQL.
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