B.A. /B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
Paper-A: Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics-II
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 36
Note: - Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
I. (A) Multiple choice questions. Pick up the correct choice:-
(i) Wheat belongs to the family:
(a) Liliaceae
(b) Graminae
(c) Fabaceae
(d) Solanaceae
(ii) Gynostegium is present in :
(a) Cucurbitaceae
(b) Ranunculaceae
(c) Malvaceae
(d) Asclepiadaceae
(iii) Fusion of stamens by their filaments only is:
(a) Adelphous
(b) Syngenesious
(c) Synantherous
(d) Synandrous
(iv) Capitulum inflorescence is present in family:
(a) Solanaceae
(b) Asteraceae
(c) Rutaceae
(d) Labiatae
(v) Perianth is the term used for :
(a) Sepals
(b) Petals
(c) Tepals
(d) None of the above
(B) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Verticillaster inflorescence is found in family______________
(ii) Obliquely placed ovary is seen in family_________
(iii) In Pea, the placentation is_________
(iv) A disc like swelling present at the base of style in Coriandrum is called___________
(v) The mode of arrangement of petals in floral bud is known as_____________
II. Give general characters of angiosperms. III. Give a brief account of Bentham and Hooker's system of classification
IV. Give the diagnostic features of the family Liliaceae and Graminae.
V. Draw a floral diagram of the following flowers:
(a) Delphinium
(b) Brassica
VI. Give the diagnostic features of the family Rutaceae and Malvaceae.
VII. Describe androecium of Lathyrus and Coriandrum.
VIII. Give the diagnostic features of family Compositae and Asclepiadaceae.
IX. Describe the gynoecium of Petunia and Ocimum.
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