B.Sc. (General) 4th Semester
English (Compulsory)
(For B.Sc. Only)
Paper: (Same for B.Sc. Microbial & Food Technology & Fashion Designing)
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 40
Note: - Attempt ALL the questions.
1. Attempt any four of the following questions in 50-60 words each selecting two from prose and two from drama:
(i) How did the Conjuror finally take his revenge from the Quick Man in 'The Conjuror's Revenge'?
(ii) How was Huxley impressed by Bose's experiments at the Bose Institute in 'J.C. Bose'?
(iii) Why did Ramanujan consider 1729 an interesting number in 'Hardy and Ramanujan'?
(iv) Analyse the role of Lomov in the play 'The Proposal'.
(v) What do Nora and Cathleen have to find out without letting Maura know in the play 'Riders to the Sea'?
(vi) Explain with suitable illustration from the play 'Riders to the sea', the use of dramatic irony by the playwriter.
2. Attempt any two questions of the following selecting one from prose and one from drama. The answers should not exceed more than 100-150 words.
(i) How was marriage and married life treated in ancient India ? How were widows treated in ancient India ? Discuss with reference to chapter 'The Position of Women in India'.
(ii) How did the Conjuror make us laugh throughout in the story 'The Conjuror's Revenge' ?
(iii) Write a note on the theme of the play "The Proposal' ?
(iv) 'Although the sea is unseen in the play, it is a living presence in the play. Discuss with reference to 'Riders to the Sea'.
3. Match the words in Column A to their meanings in Column B.
Column 'A' Column 'B'
(a) Emancipation (a) Dirty
(b) Untidy (b) A person who performs
magic to entertain people
(c) Agony (c) Liberation
(d) Conjuror (d) A piece of land
(e) Meadows (e) Pain
(f) Ten years
4. Draft a report on the recent Fashion Show held in your college, in not more than 150-200 words.
Write a short survey report on the prospects of opening a new branch of a bank in your city.
5. Make a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. Students should devote the whole of their vacation to village service. To this end, instead of taking their walks along beaten paths they should walk to the villages within easy reach of their institutions, and study the conditions of the village folk and befriend them. This habit will bring them in contact with the villagers. During the long vacation they should stay in villages, and offer to conduct classes for village folks to teach them rules of sanitation and attend to the ordinary cases of illness. They should also introduce the spinning wheel among them and teach them the use of every spare minute. In order that this may be done, students and teachers will have to revise their ideas of the use of vacation. Vacation is just the period when student's mind should be free from routine work and be left free for self-help and original development. 10
6. Give advantages of E-mail.
Write a short note on Videoconferencing.
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