BBA 4th Semester
Project Management
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
NOTE: Attempt four short answer-type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
I. Attempt any four the following:
(a) What do you understand by Project rating index? Explain Porter's model of profit potential of industries.
(b) Define Project Management? Why do projects need planning?
(c) What are the factors, which control the cost of a project? How does time over-run affect the project cost?
(d) Bring out the difference between CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Techniques)and their suitability of use.
(e) What are the stages in project formulation? f) Explain the nature of BCG product matrix & GE stop light matrix as a planning tool.
Section - B
II. Explain Project Life Cycle and discuss it with the help of example .What are the important phases of a project life cycle? Discuss each phase briefly with key issues involved in it.
III. Discuss the most aspects, which need to be considered at the pre-feasibility study of a project. What factors and issues need to be considered in financial and economic evaluation?
IV. What are the technical aspects of a typical project as distinct from commercial, financial, economic and managerial feasibility? Discuss important issues that managers must consider while conducting technical analysis.
V. Write short notes on the following:
a) Methods of demand forecasting
b) Environment Impact Assessment and its methodologies
VI. Discuss the different techniques to evaluate project investment. Describe the importance and difficulties of capital investment.
VII. What is the difference between Scenario analysis sensitivity analyses? Discuss the different ways of managing project-related risks.
VIII. Discuss the project evaluation stage of project management. Discuss the different techniques to evaluate projects.
IX. Detailed Project Report (DPF) forms the foundation on which the entire superstructure of the project is built - if it is weak, the project cannot withstand the turbulent times ahead. Bring out the dos and don'ts of a good DPR.
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