Master of Arts (English) 4th Semester
Opt. (II) Linguistics-II
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - Attempt all questions.
I. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) PS Rules.
(b) Define entailment.
(c) The development of dictionaries.
(d) Sentence cohesion in English.
(e) Outline the difference between the traditional and the modern approach to grammar.
(f) Global English.
II. Define Transformational Generative Grammar.
Give the IC Analysis along with a tree diagram of the following sentences:
(a) She trains teenagers for classical dance performances.
(b) A Young lad wearing a blue shirt helped me find my lost book.
(c) The red car is parked behind the library.
(d) Our team lost the match badly.
(e) They finished all the tasks by eight o'clock.
III. Describe the basic sentence patterns of English.
Analyze the following complex sentences:
(a) She quickly opened her umbrella before it started to rain
(b) When I last saw you, you lived in Washington.
(c) All she did was to turn off the tap.
(d) If you treat them kindly, they will die for you.
(e) He looks as if he is going to be ill.
IV. Define Semantics.
What is the semantic/lexical relation between the following pairs?
(a) shallow deep
(b) suite sweet
(c) single married
(d) mature ripe
(e) table furniture.
V. Describe the main features of General Indian English.
Write an essay on sound and spelling change in English.
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