M.A History 4th Semester
Industry and Trade in Modern India
Paper-III & IV
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
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(1) Attempt five questions in all.
(2) Question No. I compulsory and select one question from each Unit.
I. Answer any ten in about 25–30 words each:
(i) Discuss the role of Shahukars in the Indigenous Banking System.
(ii) What was the views of Peter the Great of Russia regarding Indian Trade?
(iii) What were the Agency Houses under the East India Company?
(IV) What is meant by the Direction of Trade?
(v) What do you know about the commercialization of Agriculture?
(vi) What was the impact of the American Civil War on Indian Trade?
(vi) Write two effects of the decline of Indian Handicrafts.
(vii) What you meant by Industrial Entrepreneurship?
(ix) Define 'Mercantilism'.
(x) What was the impact of the Charter Act of 1813 East India Company?
(xi) What do you know about the Ottawa Trade Agreement of Indian Trade?
(xii) Name four Indian entrepreneur classes under Colonial rule.
(xiii) What you know about Royal Industrial Commission?
(xiv) When was the All India Trade Union Congress established? Who was its first President?
(xv) Why did the healthy Iron and Steel Industry not develop under the colonial period?
II. What do you know about the trade policies of East India Company from 1757 to 1813? What were its consequences?
III. Write about the growth of Presidency Banks and its impact on Trade.
IV. Why did the Indian Trade expand rapidly after 1850? Write in detail.
V. Describe Composition, Export and Import, and Balance of Indian Foreign Trade from 1857 to 1947.
VI. What do you mean by the de-industrialisation ? Write the causes and effects of the de-industrialisation.
VII. Discuss the rise and growth of the cotton and textile industry in India.
VIII. Describe the wages and standard of Industrial labour in India under the colonial period.
IX. Write an essay on the evolution of Trade Union Movement during your period of study.
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