M.A.Ed., 2nd Semester
Structural Kinesiology
Paper - V
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
NOTE:- Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory, and selecting one question from each Unit.
1. Explain the following:
a) Define Isokinetic contraction with example.
b) Define flat foot? How it is different from normal foot?
c) Give two remedial measures for kyphosis.
d) Write any two factors affecting the center of gravity.
e) Name the four muscles that produce outward rotation of the
shoulder joint
f) Define Anthology? Give an example of the Amphiarthrosis joint
g) Give an example of tension movement.
h) How many axes of motion does the joint have? Name them.
i) State how the mass of a body affects its stability.
j) How muscle strength is affected by the speed of muscle shortening.
II. What do you understand by the term structural Kinesiology? Moreover, explain its academic and professional objectives.
III. Explain the following in detail:
a) Techniques of muscular analysis.
b) Structural classification of muscles.
IV. What are Diarthrodial joints? Explain the attachments and action of muscles of shoulder girdle joint.
V. Name the six muscles responsible for hip abduction. Moreover, explain the attachments and action of muscles of the hip joint.
VI. Name the two groups of muscles located on the anterior neck along with the sternocleidomastoid. Moreover, explain the attachments and action of muscle ankle joint.
VII. Explain the following:
a) Criteria of good posture
b) Write the attachments and action of muscles of trunk joint
VIII. Explain the procedure of measuring the joint mobility and moreover write the anatomical and mechanical factors affecting joint stability.
IX. 'Kinanthropometry has great importance in the field of physical education and sports'. Discuss in detail.
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