M.P. Ed., 2nd Semester
Exercise Physiology
Paper - VIII
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
NOTE:- Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory, and selecting one question from each Unit.
I. Write short notes on the following:
a) Define Exercise Physiology.
b) Muscle Fiber Type.
c) ATP.
d) Anaerobic Capacity.
e) Neurons.
f) Microcirculation
g) Neuro-Muscular Junction
h) Oxygen debt.
i) Cardiac output.
j) Energy Cost.
II. Discuss in detail the role of Exercise Physiology in the field of Physical Education and Sports.
III. What do you mean by Muscle? Describe its structure and functions. (15)
IV. Define Muscle Contraction. Explain Thermodynamics of Muscle Contraction.
V. Discuss in detail the role of the Nervous System to control Muscular Activity.
VI. Explain in detail the effects of exercises on Cardiovascular Adaptation.
VII. Describe the effects of exercises on the Respiratory System.
VIII. Describe the effect of a hot and humid environment on an individual's work capacity
IX. Write in detail physiological aspects of the development of Strength and Endurance.
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