M.P. Ed., 2nd Semester
Management of Physical Education and Sports
Paper -VII
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory, and selecting one question from each Unit.
I. Write short note on the following:
a) Decisional roles of a manager.
b) Differentiate personal and conceptual skills.
c) Decentralization in sports management
d) Deficit budget.
e) Stocktaking
f) What is a committee?
g) Protection of sports equipment.
h) Upkeeping of Indoor sports Facilities.
i) Disposal of sports equipment.
j) Intramural
II. Explain the Modern theory of management and its application to physical education and sports.
III. Do you think Human Resource Management is one of the most important principles to be studied in the study of Sports Management Support your answer with suitable examples.
IV. What is Programme Planning? Describe its steps and aspects in relation to physical education and sports development at the university level.
V. Explain the purpose and principles of financial management in physical education and sports.
VI. Define teaching aid and Explain values and different types of teaching aids in physical education.
VII. What is class management? Explain various aspects of class management of the physical activity.
VIII. As a sports manager, you are given an event to be managed. Make a profile of a sports event which may consist of the following points: Type of Sport, Name of Event, Venue. No. of days for the event, types of staff required, prizes, the structure of various matches in event, etc. You can also include your own inputs.
IX. What is a round-robin tournament? Draw a fixture of 21 teams by adopting a single-elimination tournament of your game.
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