M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Semester
Photo Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: Attempt five questions in all, including, Question No. 1 which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) What are colour centres in Alkali metals?
(b) What are organic metals?
(c) What is Actinometry?
(d) Give a brief account of photo isomerisation.
(e) Canap-injunction be formed by doping?
(f) What is fluorescence?
(g) What is Photofries Rearrangement?
(h) What is Actinometry?
II. Explain the following:
(a) Photodissociation
(b) Kinetics of Photochemical reactions
(c) Gas-phase photolysis
(d) Rearrangement of 1,4d 1,5 dienes
III. (a) Draw a well labelled Jablonski diagram and explain the various transitions of excited molecules.
(b) Explain quantum yield and quenching in detail with proper examples.
IV. Explain:
(a) Norrish type I reaction
(b) Photodecarbonylation of carbonyl compounds.
(c) Barton reaction
(d) Oxetane formation.
V. (a) Give a detailed account of photochemical formation of smog
(b) Give the mechanism of the following rearrangement:
(c) Photochemical degradation of polymers have both good and bad effects on human life. Explain with examples.
VI. a) Explain the general principles for carrying out the solid-solid reaction. Why such reactions are difficult to perform?
(b) Explain the thermodynamics of Schottky & Frenkel defect formation in solids.
VII. Give a detailed account of:
(a) Line defects in solids
(b) Organic metals
(c) Super conductors
(d) Non Stoichiometric defects.
VIII. (a) Explain Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors on the basis of band theory of solids.
(b) Discuss the quantum theory of Paramagnetic.
IX. (a) What are extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors? Explain. 8
(b) Describe 'Magnetic hysteresis.
(c) What do you know about optical properties of solids?
VII. a) Discuss the principle of Auger Electron spectroscopy.
(b) Explain the difference between neutron diffraction and electron diffraction
VIII. (a) What is meant by Chemical Shift in NMR? How is it related to shielding and deshielding of nuclei? Explain on the basis of chemical shifts the classification of molecules as ABC, ABX, AMX type.
(b) Explain spin decoupling or double resonance in NMR. 16
IX. (a) Explain fine structure in ESR spectrum of a system with one unpaired electron. What is the effect of nuclear spin on the spectrum? Predict the number of lines in spectrum of C6H6 -and triphenylmethyl radical.
(b) Explain the basic principle of NQR Spectrum. Why is it observed in solid-state only? Write any two of its applications.
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