B. Com-Bachelor of Commerce 2nd Semester
Business Laws
Paper: BCM-206
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note:-(1Attempt any four questions from Section-A.
(2) Attempt two questions each from Section-B and Section-C.
1. Differentiate between Sale and Hire Purchase.
2. Explain rules for the calculation of date of maturity of negotiable instruments.
3. Define factory as per Factories Act, 1948.
4. Explain the term Industrial Dispute as per Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
5. Distinguish between "Lay Off and “Retrenchment" under Industrial Disputes Act 1947'.
6. Explain the condition as to merchantability as per the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
7. When does the property in goods sold passes from seller to buyer? Explain the rules regarding passing of property.
8. Explain the essentials of a valid contract of sale. How is the contract of sale different from agreement to sell?
9. Explain 'Discharge of Negotiable Instruments'. What are the circumstances in which a party to negotiable instruments is discharged from liability?
10. Explain the term endorsement. What are the different types of endorsements?
11. Explain the provisions of the Factories Act regarding Hazardous Process.
12. Explain the provisions for granting annual leave with wages to different types of workers under the Factories Act, 1948.
13. Briefly explain various authorities provided by Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 for investigation and settlement of Industrial Disputes.
14. Define and distinguish between ‘lock out' and 'strike'. Discuss the provisions relating to strikes.
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