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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

B. Com-Bachelor of Commerce 2nd Semester
English And Business Communication

Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80 

Note:- Attempt all parts of each question together.


1. Attempt any three questions in about 100-120 words each : 

(i) Who, according to Lucas is the 'worst type of bore' discussed in chapter "Bores'? 

(ii) “To travel hopefully is better than to arrive.” Discuss with reference to 'El Dorado'. 

(iii) "The Essayist, then, is in his particular fashion, an interpreter of Life, a Critic of Life.' Discuss. 

(iv) What are the techniques used by married women to keep their husband's friends away from their family? 

(V) Attempt a portrayal of the Prakriti-Mother relationship (Chandalika).

2. Answer any one of the following in about 350 words :

Trace the development of thought in RL. Stevenson's essay 'El Dorado


Explain how the title of the play 'Chandalika' throws light on its theme.

3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi was also known as Bapu, which means 'father'. His full name was Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. He was born at Porbandar on 2nd October, 1869. His father was highly respected, as he was the 'diwan' of a small princely state. His mother, Putalibai was a very pious and religious lady, who Karam Chand was deeply attached to and from whom he imbibed his love of truth, rightfulness, integrity and loyalty, because of the influence she had over him.

Although Karam Chand worked hard, and studied Law to become a barrister, he could not adapt well to life in the West and decided to return home. He practised Law for a while in Bombay, then left for South Africa, where there was dire need for lawyers and where the Indian community faced great discrimination on racial grounds. In South Africa, Gandhiji personally suffered great humiliation at the hands of the British, when he was literally thrown out of a train because he had bought a ticket in the 1st class -- and the British did not feel an Indian could travel in the first class, since that was only reserved for the British. It was perhaps at that time itself, that Gandhiji made up his mind to devote his entire life to freeing India from the British rule.

Gandhiji returned to India in 1915 and set up an Ashram near Ahmedabad, on the banks of river Sabarmati. Kasturba had joined him and together they led a life of austerity and simplicity. Gandhiji had deep faith in God and the power of prayer. He took fasts to purify himself. He taught himself to abstain from physical wants and needs. He believed more than anything else in the power of non-violence and dedication of purpose. The Ashram became a refuge and sanctuary for many freedom fighters who came there constantly for discussions, advice, meetings and to be with Gandhiji. Gandhiji worked tirelessly to remove untouchability, the caste system, stigmas against the weaker sections of society and limited attitudes and prejudices.

He led the freedom struggle spending months at a stretch in jail, as well. He used non-violence, satyagraha, strikes, and civil disobedience as weapons. 

Answer the following questions briefly: 

(i) Why was Bapu's father given a lot of respect? 

(ii) From whom did Gandhiji imbibe good qualities? 

(iii) What happened with Gandhiji in South Africa? 

(iv) What did Gandhiji do in 1915? 

(v) Write three qualities of Gandhiji.

(vi) Find out from the passage a word that is the antonym of : initially 

4. Match the following words: 

Column 'A' Column ‘B 

(i) Trample Puzzle 

(ii) Invocation Corrupt 

(iii) Bewilder Thinking 

(iv) Pondering Crush

(v) Diligence Prayer 

(vi) Vicious Hardwork


5. Write a report (in about 150-200 words) to Branch Manager telling him about increase in production of various products of company.


Draft a Report (in about 150-200 words) regarding Workers' Agitation for higher Bonus and Salary.

6. Draft a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title :

The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions so that work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed. He gets to sleep several hours before midnight at the time when sleep is most refreshing and after a sound night's rest rises early next morning in good health and spirit for the labours of a new day. It is very plain that such a life as this is far more conducive to health than that of the man who shortens his waking hours by rising late, and so can afford in the course of the day little leisure for necessary rest. Anyone who lies in bed late, must, if he wishes to do a full day's work, go on working to a correspondingly late hour, and deny himself the hour or two of evening exercise that he ought to take for the benefit of his health. But, in spite of all his efforts, he will not probably produce as good results as the early riser, because he misses the best working hours of the day.

7. What is Video-Conferencing? Discuss its advantages in detail.


Discuss in detail different forms of Non-Verbal Communication.

8. Prepare a Curriculum Vitae for the post of Assistant Professor in Music.


Draft a Curriculum Vitae for the post of Sales Manager.


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