B. Com-Bachelor of Commerce 2nd Semester
Interdisciplinary E-Commerce
Paper: BCM-203
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - Attempt any four short answer type questions from Section-A. Each question carries 5 marks. Attempt any two questions each from Section-B and Section-C. Each question carries 15 marks.
1. Differentiate between E-commerce and E-business.
2. Differentiate between Credit card and Debit card.
3. Regulatory Aspects of E-Commerce.
4. Present status of E-Commerce in India.
5. Cryptography.
6. Digital signature.
7. What is E-Commerce? How does it differ from Traditional Commerce? What are the potential benefits of E-Commerce?
8. What is the e-business model? Explain different types of e-business models in detail.
9. What are the several factors that led to the emergence of e-commerce in the market?
10. Describe the term E-Business in detail. What are the various opportunities in E-Business?
11. Describe in detail the structure and organization of E-Commerce.
12. What is an electronic payment system? Describe different types of EPS available.
13. What is EDI? What are the major benefits of EDI for business organizations? Describe.
14. Describe in detail the impact of E-Commerce on various business sectors.
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