BBA-Bachelor of Business Administration 3rd Year
Entrepreneurship Development Programme
Paper: BCA-17
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 90
Note:- Attempt five questions in all including Q.No.9 (Section E) which is compulsory and taking one each from Sections-A, B, C, and D.
1. What is project formulation? Explain its stages. Explain the need for the feasibility study of technical and organizational aspect.
2. What are the contents of ideal project report and explain need for detailed report. Discuss the chief characteristics of a good research project report.
3. Discuss in detail, the factors which determine the capital structure of a firm. Bring out the importance of working capital. Elaborate the factors influencing the working capital needs of a firm. 18
4. (a) Explain the various methods of evaluating capital expenditure decisions.
(b) What are the different sources of long term finance? State the merits of each source.
5. Define e-commerce. Explain briefly the generic framework for e-commerce with suitable diagram. What are the benefits of using e-commerce ? What do you mean by B2B and B2C types of e-commerce ?
6. What are the characteristics and importance of Personnel Management in an enterprise ? Discuss the various stages involved in selection process of an employee.
7. (a) Explain the features of an insurance contract. How does it help to manage risk ?
(b) "Every contractor to whom the Act applies must obtain a License for the purpose of undertaking or executing any work through contract labour." State and explain this statement with the relevant provisions.
8. Write short notes on :
(a) Different kinds of partners as per Partnership Act
(b) Factories Act and its provisions.
(Compulsory Question)
9. (a) What is turkey project and explain its significance ?
(b) Explain how a project report is analyzed ?
(c) State the important objectives of preparing a fund flow statement.
(d) What is break-even analysis ?
(e) What is an Electronic Payment System ?
(f) What are the remedies for breach of contract ?
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