BBA-Bachelor of Business Administration 3rd Year
Entrepreneurship Development
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: Attempt any four questions from Section A and two questions each from Sections B and C.
1. How would you distinguish between Entrepreneurship and Self Employment?
2. Write a note on kinds of Entrepreneurs.
3. What is meant by motivating factors for Entrepreneurs ?
4. How would you explain the role of self confidence in Entrepreneurship?
5. How would you explain the significance of Career Counselling?
6. Explain the term Environmental appraisal.
7. Define the term Entrepreneur. What are the functions of an Entrepreneur?
8. What is meant by Motivation? Discuss the various factors which motivate Entrepreneurs.
9. What do you understand by Entrepreneur Behaviour? Explain in detail
10. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Defreezing with the help of micro lab.
(b) Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship.
11. What do you understand by Market Survey? Discuss the various techniques of Market Survey.
12. Discuss the role of National Small Industries Corporation in Entrepreneurial Development.
13. What is Project Report? Draw a specimen of a Project Report.
14. What is the significance of finance in Projects? Discuss the various methods of Financial Analysis.
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