B.P. Ed., Third Year
Paper - XII: Kinesiology and Bio-Mechanics (KBM)
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70
NOTE Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory, and select one question from each Unit.
I. Explain the following:
a) Write two remedial exercises for knock knee.
b) Give an example of tension movement.
c) Define mass in terms of Newton's second law.
d) Differentiate between positive and negative acceleration.
e) Define curvilinear motion.
f) Two remedial exercises for scoliosis.
g) Name the four muscles that produce outward rotation of the hip joint
II. Explain the following in detail:
a) Plane and axis
b) Types of muscular contractions
III. What are the different fundamental movements of joint? Explain in detail.
IV. Name the six muscles responsible for shoulder abduction. Moreover, explain the attachments and action of muscles of shoulder girdle.
V. Name the muscles responsible for hip flexion and inward rotation. Moreover, explain the attachments and action of muscles of knee joint.
VI. What do you mean by linear kinematics? And write in detail its application in the field of sports.
VII. Define Biomechanics and explain its scope in the field of games and sports.
VIII. Write in detail about the causes, care and remedial measures of spinal deformities.
IX. Explain the muscular analysis of catching and throwing.
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