BCA - Bachelor of Computer Applications 1st Semester
BCA-104: Computing Software (OLD)
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 90
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. IX (Unit-V) which is compulsory and selecting one question each from Unit I-IV.
Download "Computing Software (OLD)" PDF Question paper.
I. a) Write Short notes for System software and generation of languages. b) Discuss units of measurements of storage and computer architecture and its organization.
II. a) Differentiate between internal and external commands. Give three examples of each type of command.
b) Discuss batch files and write code one batch file that include atleast three commands. What are roles of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT?
III. a) What are 'recycle bin' and 'windows explorer' in windows? List six common programs of windows control panel.
b) Write atleast five operations on windows folder. Write process to change icons in windows.
IV. a) Discuss autotext and mail merge in MS-word with examples.
b) Write steps for find and replace text, adding headers and spell check in MS-word.
V. a) Define macro in MS-excel. Write steps to create a macro in MS-excel.
b) Discuss steps to create line, bar and pie charts in MS-excel.
VI. a) What is slide transition in MS-PowerPoint? Write steps to create a presentation include auto slide transitions.
b) Discuss records managements in MS-excel including their addition, deletion and filtering.
VII. a) Write HTML code to include an image and a table.
b) Discuss WWW and the services provided on internet in detail.
VIII. a) Write HTML code that includes hyperlinks, frames and forms.
b) Write short notes on front page and Dreamweaver.
IX. Attempt the following:
a) What are rm, rmdir, Del commands?
b) Write steps to run 'BAT' and 'EXE' files in windows.
c) List three system and three application softwares.
d) Differentiate between save and save as' options in MS-PowerPoint.
e) Write formula in MS-excel to find records having value greater than 50.
f) List shortcut keys for 'undo' and 'redo' in windows.
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