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Monday, July 18, 2022

B.A. - B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester Examination
Paper: Elective

Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 90

Note:- () All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Follow instructions carefully wherever given. 

(iii) Attempt all the parts of a question together.


1. Attempt any five literary terms/concepts (Not more than 50-60 words each) : 

(a) Lyric 

(b) Mock-epic 

(c) Assonance 

(d) Irony

(e) Balled 

(f) Dramatic monologue 

(g) Free verse

(h) Alliteration 

2. Attempt ten questions (short) in 30-40 words each: 

(i) What is the best and the worst thing about Inzamam as mentioned in 'Inzy' Lets Things Flow Over Him? 

(ii) What type of husband was Rashid to his wife, Soraya, in the story 'Haroun and the sea of stories'? 

(iii) Who is the speaker in Saleem Peurdina's poem ‘Sisters’? 

(iv) How was Banny honoured by eleven virtuous, married women in the story ‘A Ten Day Fast'? 

(v) What is Subroto Bagchi's vision of success as stated by him in the lesson 'Go, Kiss the World’?

(vi) How is Amalkanti's dream different from others as stated in the poem 'Amalkanti' ? 

(vii) What is the biggest advantage girls have in their fight against dowry as shown by the author of 'Hitting Dowry for a Six' ?

(viii) Food is an important theme in the story but so is education. What do you think is the lesson that tale has learnt by the end of the story ‘Chocolates'? 

(ix) How does the daughter revolt against the authority of age and custom in 'To Mother'? 

(x) Garivi has been educated in the school of life. What are some of the lessons she has learnt ? (Soapnut Leaves) 

(xi) Comment on the title of the story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter'. 

(xii) To which category does the speaker in the poem 'Some People' belong? 

3. Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow at the end : 

Rainwater dripped onto the note from Haroun's hair. 'What to do, son', Rashid pleaded piteously. Storytelling is the only work I know. 

When he heard his father sounding so pathetic, Haroun lost his temper and shouted. What's the point of it? What's the use of stories that aren't even true?

Rashid hid his face in his hands and wept. Haroun wanted to get those works back, to pull them out of his father's ears and shore them back into his own mouth; but of course, he couldn't do that. And that was why he blamed himself when, soon afterward in the most embarrassing circumstances imaginable, an unthinkable thing happened: 

Rashid Khalifa, the legendary ocean of Notions, the fabled Shah of Biah, stood up in front of a huge audience, opened his mouth, and found that he had run out of stories to tell. 

Questions : 

(i) Why did Haroun blame himself? 

(ii) Why did Rashid pity himself? 

(iii) What was Haroun's reaction on hearing that his father was sounding so pathetic? 

(iv) Rashid hid his face in his hands and wept. Why? 

(v) What was the unthinkable thing that happened ?


This is not just the story of a man who has risen to be one of Pakistan's icons. It is also more human tale; of two friends and a friendship that has stood for nearly 20 years, despite the differences caused by distance, status and money. 

On Thursday evening even as our hotel in Multan prepares for the arrival of the Indian team (the Pakistani term is not top priority), one man is trying to find a proper place for a big framed photograph of a young, laughing Inzamam-ul-- Haq. He is painstakingly going over a banner written in English, Welcoming Inzamam home. 'Is the correct English? he asks 'More of less', one smiles apologetically. 'My friend is coming home', he smiles excitedly. "And I want if to be perfect. 

Questions : 

(i) Who is the man who has risen to be one of Pakistan's icons ?

(ii) Which friendship is being referred to in the passage ? 

(iii) What are the differences caused by distance, od status and money ?

(iv) Who is the one man trying to find a proper place for a big flamed photograph ? 

(v) Why is he painstakingly going over a banner written in English ?


4. Write a letter to your mother, giving details of the Inter Zonal Youth Festival in your college.


Write a letter to your younger brother telling him about some personality who has impressed you the most during the last few days. 

5. (A) Applied Grammar :

(a) Change the voice : 

(i) I shall build the finest house in the world. 

(ii) He had already completed the work. 

(iii) Could Reeta finally solve the sum? 

(iv) Learn it by heart.

(v) I objected to his proposal. 

(b) Change the narration : 

(i) He said, "I spend my evening in the library." 

(ii) He urged the audience to listen to him quickly. 

(iii) He said to me, "How often do you consult your dictionary?"

(iv) She said, "I can finish the work in time.” 

(v) He said, “Let us wait for the award."

(c) Transform the following sentences:

(1) None can tolerate this insult. (Change into interrogative) 

(ii) Attend the class today. (Change into negative) 

(iii) He is so ignorant that he can't do it. (use 'Too')

(iv) You have harmed me on purpose. (Use “Purpose' as an Adverb) 

(v) He is one of the best cricket players. (Change into comparative degree)

(B) Fill in the blanks : 

(i) Our teacher is .............. M.A. B.Ed. (Article)

(ii) .............. cow is ............. useful animal. (Articles) 

(iii) Money makes mere go. (Article)


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