B.A. - B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester Examination
Geography (Physical Geography-I)
Paper: 1
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 60
Note: -
(1) Attempt five questions in all.
(ii) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
(iii) Attempt four questions selecting one from each of the remaining four Units.
(iv) Special credit will be given to suitable diagrams.
(v) Use of unmarked stencils, colours and sketch pen is allowed.
(vi) For USOL, reappear/improvement candidates who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the question papers in their case shall be of maximum marks allotted to the papers concerned.
1. Attempt any ten of the following very briefly in 25 words each or diagrammatically:
(i) Subject matter of Biogeography.
(ii) Four points of isostatic imbalance.
(iii) Alluvial cone.
(iv) What are Dome Mountains? Give two examples.
(v) Constructive Plate Boundaries.
(vi) Classify volcanoes on the basis of the periodicity of eruption.
(vii) To which geomorphic agents are the following associated:
(a) Interlocking spurs
(b) Mushroom Topography
(c) Tombolo
(d) Stalactites and stalagmites
(viii) Define recumbent fold with diagram.
(ix) Calcareous and carbonaceous rocks.
(x) Axis of the fold.
(xi) How does tensional forces affect the Earth's crust?
(xii) Distinguish between weathering and erosion.
(xiii) List the three types of work done by underground water.
(xiv) What are the dominant components of sial?
(xv) Pelean type of volcano.
2. Illustrate the nature and scope of geography. Give an account of the divisions of physical geography.
3. Discuss the theory of isostasy giving the views of Pratt and Bowie. Illustrate with diagrams.
4. Critically illustrate the theory of geosyncline with reference of the movement of the earth.
5. Give an account of the causes, types, and distribution of Earthquakes. Give suitable diagrams.
6. Define and classify rocks. Give a detailed account of metamorphic rocks with examples and diagrams.
7. Classify the major landforms. Discuss the types, mode of formation and economic importance of plains.
8. Illustrate in detail with suitable diagrams, the landform features produced by the action of the Glacier.
9. Diagrammatically illustrate the erosional, transportational and depositional features of Karst Topography.
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