BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
1st Semester Examination
Management Concept and Practices
Paper: BBAS104
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
Note: - Attempt any four questions from Section A carrying 5 marks each and attempt any two questions from Section B and Section C each, carrying 15 marks.
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1. Describe various levels of management.
2. Explain the concept of functional management.
3. Write a short note on MBO.
4. Distinguish between Line and Staff.
5. Why selection is called a negative process?
6. Give a brief overview of knowledge management.
7. Define Management. Bring out the role of management in the success of an enterprise.
8. What are the various approaches of management thoughts? Explain Modern Management Thought.
9. Explain the process of planning. Discuss the importance and limitations of planning.
10. Distinguish between delegation and decentralization.
What are the obstacles to effective delegation?
11. Describe the selection process in a large organisation to select a personal manager.
12. Define motivation. Compare and contrast Maslow's theory and Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.
13. “Leaders are born.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain theories of leadership in the light of the above statement.
14. Discuss the concept of control. Explain various techniques of controlling.
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