B.A./B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester Examination
Political Science
(Political Theory-I)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 90
Note: - (i) Question Number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any nine questions from it. Answer in about 25-30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
(ii) Attempt any one question from each Unit. Each question carries 18 marks. Marks and private candidates will be proportionally increased.
1. Attempt any nine questions:
(i) What is the traditional meaning of political science?
(ii) Give two differences between traditional and modern view of politics.
(iii) What are the differences between Political Science and History?
(iv) What is the relation between Political Science and Economics ?
(v) Give any two non-essential elements of State.
(vi) Can Panjab be called a State ?
(vii) What are Hobbes' views on human nature ?
(vii) What is General Will ?
(ix) What is dictatorship of Proleteriat ?
(x) Why is state called a 'necessary evil?
(xi) Discuss Gandhiji's views about state.
(xii) What is Sovereignty?
(xiii) What is pluralist theory of Sovereignty?
(xiv) What is meant by interest articulation?
(xv) Give two differences between state and political system.
2. Define Political Science. Discuss its scope.
3. Discuss the relationship between political science and sociology.
4. Define State. What is the difference between Staten and Government?
5. Discuss the evolutionary theory about the origin of the state.
6. Discuss the Marxian view of State.
7. What is a Welfare State? What are its functions?
8. Define Sovereignty. Discuss its types.
9. Discuss the functions of the political system.
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