B.Com - Bachelor of Commerce 1st Semester Examination
Commercial Law
Paper - BCM-106
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80
Note: - Attempt any two questions each from Section B and C. Section A is compulsory.
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1. Attempt any four short answer type questions:
(i) What is consensus-ad-idem?
(ii) Distinguish offer and invitation to offer.
(iii) Define term undue influence.
(iv) Define contract of indemnity.
(v) What is particular lien and general lien?
(vi) Define term consumer under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
2. Discuss rules regarding offer, acceptance and its revocation.
3. State the position of minor under the Contract Act.
4. Explain various methods of Discharge of Contract.
5. Discuss rule that stronger to contract cannot sue on contract. Are there any exception to this rule?
6. What is contract of Guarantee? What are its kinds? How can a continue Guarantee can be revoked?
7. Explain in brief redressal machinery under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
8. Explain rights and duties of bailor and bailee under contract of Bailment.
9. How an Agency is created?
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