B.A./B.Sc. (General) First Semester
Microbiology-Fundamentals of Microbiology - I
Paper- MIC-101
Time allowed: 3 Hours][Max. Marks: 33
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit.
I. Briefly Answer the following:
a) Who is the father of Medical Microbiology? Give his main contribution. b) Define pure culture
c) What is dry sterilization?
d) What are vectors?
e) Scissors of Recombinant Technology.
f) Streptomyces
II. a) Discuss the scope and applications of Microbiology.
b) Describe the methods of isolation of pure culture of bacteria.
III. a) Give a comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. b) Describe the growth of a typical bacterial cell culture.
IV. a) What are the general characteristics of fungi which differentiate them from algae?
b) What are the functions of flagella and capsule in bacterial cell?
V. Explain the following:
a) Biosynthesis of endospores
b) Organization of bacterial cell wall
VI. a) Discuss the various steps for gene cloning in bacteria.
b) What are the applications of DNA recombinant technology in daily life?
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