B.A., B.Sc. (General) 1st Semester Examination
Zoology - Bio-Diversity and Cell Biology-I
Paper: I (Zoo-101)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 36
Note: - Attempt five questions in all, including Q. No. 1 which is compulsory and one question from each Units I-IV.
1. Explain Briefly:
(i) Lobopodia
(ii) Kappa particles
(iii) Tricho cyst
(iv) Coral reefs
(v) Primary host
(vi) Exocytosis
(vii) Compound Microscope
(viii) Binary fission
2. Write notes on:
(a) Osmoregulation in Amoeba
(b) Reproduction in Paramecium
3. Discuss the life cycle of Plasmodium Vivax in man.
4. Discuss the canal system in Sycon (Scypha).
5. Write notes on:
(a) Locomotion in Hydra
(b) Medusa in Obelia
6. Explain the model which best explains the structure and functions of Plasma Membrane. OG
7. (a) What is the purpose of fixation? Name some common fixatives.
(b) Give differences between SEM and TEM.
8. Give the detailed structure of Golgi Complex and discuss the role it plays in the cell.
9. (a) What is the role of mitochondria in cell respiration?
(b) Differentiate between RER & SER.
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