B.Sc. Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management (BSC FMRM)
Bfw-021: Retail Organisation - II
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. "Human resources differ from other resources." Discuss the significance of human resource in an organization.
Define "Human Resource Planning". What are the essentials of a good human resource planning?
3. What is job design? What are the factors that affect the job design?
4. "Recruitment is a true sales function." Discuss this statement with the help of suitable examples.
5. What is the relationship between selection, recruitment and job analysis?
6. Discuss the benefits which justify the existence of a system of performance appraisal in retail enterprises.
7. Define the term "Training and Development". Bring out the importance of training and development and suggest steps for assessing training and development needs in a retail organization.
8. Explain how one can handle the grievances in an organization.
9. What do you mean by "internal mobility of human resources"? Why is internal mobility required?
10. What is meant by "compensation"? What are the various constituents of compensation?
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