B.Sc. Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management (BSC FMRM)
Bfw-004: Principles of Management
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss in detail about "management as a profession". Give suitable examples.
2. Explain in detail the process of delegation. Are some people reluctant to delegate authority and others reluctant to accept delegation? If so, why?
3. What are the attributes of a good leader? How can a manager turn himself as a more effective leader?
4. Explain the need for training and re-training the workforce and explain the steps involved for effective training programme.
5. How important is the process of interview for the candidate as well as for the management? What important advice would you give to a candidate for him/her to be successfully selected in the interview?
6. Differentiate between authority and responsibility. Can one be exercised without the other? Which type of authority is not legally enforceable?
7. Differentiate between behavioural approach and scientific approach to management. Which approach do you think is more suitable in the current conditions?
8. Is motivation an inborn drive or is it influenced by outside factors? Justify your answer with suitable examples.
9. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) Abraham Maslow
(c) Elton Mayo
(d) F.W. Taylor
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