B.Sc. Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management (BSC FMRM)
Bfw-011: Retail Planning and Site Selection
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are the preferable locations for selling convenience products and shopping products? Give proper justification for your answer.
2. What is Trade Area? Discuss the factors which affect trade area.
3. Differentiate between central business district, secondary business district and neighbourhood business district.
4. Explain the cluster and contiguous expansion strategies with examples.
5. What are the factors which drive a retailer to change his location?
6. Explain the various spotting techniques which a retailer can use for identifying trade area.
7. Discuss competitive audits and outshopper analysis as a method for evaluating trading area.
8. Describe mixed used developments with suitable examples.
9. Discuss the advantages and limitations of Buying Power Index method for evaluating retail markets.
10. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Festival Centers
(b) Retail Merchandising Units
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North India Campus