B.Sc. Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management (BSC FMRM)
Bfw-001: Fundamentals of Retail -1
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of store retailing.
2. State the merits and demerits of FDI retail.
3. What is multichannel retailing and why does a retailer want to have presence in all channels?
4. Explain the gravitational model of site selection. 5. What are the functions performed by a retailer?
6. List down the various acts which are applicable to the Indian Retail Industry. Write a brief note on them.
7. How would 100% FDI in multiple brands impact the Indian economy? Discuss.
8. Discuss the key drivers' of growth of the Indian Retail Sector.
9. State the various principles that a retailer should follow while implementing the Retail Marketing Mix.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Retail Accordion Theory
(b) Buying Decision Process
(c) Retail Management
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