B.Sc. Fashion Merchandising and Retail Management (BSC FMRM)
Bfw-028: International Retailing
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. How has globalisation played an important role in expanding the scope of international retailing?
2. How do government policies play an important role in retailing of products in the overseas market?
3. Explain the terms standardisation and adaptation with relevant examples.
4. How do direct exports differ from indirect exports? Justify your answer with suitable examples.
5. How does the environment of a country play an important role in determining the marketing of a product in the overseas market?
6. What are the various ways by which a firm can enter a foreign market?
7. How do religion, customs and norms of a country play an important role in the international retailing of products?
8. Explain the retail formats and scope of retailing in any two countries from the following:
(a) India
(b) China
(c) USA
(d) Hungary
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