B. Com. (Bachelor of Commerce-Hons.)
3rd Semester
Banking: Bank Management
Max. Marks: 80] [ Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
I. Attempt any four of the following:-
a) Explain the coverage ratios used for analysis of financial statements.
b) Write a note on regulatory environment in banking sector in India. c) Explain various types of NPAs.
d) What do you understand by Risk Weighted asset ratio system?
e) Explain currency management by RBI.
f) Discuss the concept of portfolio management in Banks.
Section - B
II. What do you mean by financial performance analysis? What ratios are used to make financial performance analysis?
III. State and explain the role of RBI as a central Bank on the Bank performance.
IV. Briefly explain the capital adequacy norms to be followed by commercial banks in India.
V. What lending principles are taken into account by banks while granting loans? List out factors affecting loan policy of a bank.
Section - C
VI. State and explain various reasons of bank assets becoming NPA's. Suggest measures how to overcome NPA's.
VII. What do you mean by Debt Recovery Tribunal? Explain the provisions of Revenue Recovery Act.
VIII. 'Investment of Bank Funds in long term securities plays an important role in increasing the profitability of banks? Discuss.
IX. What do you understand by SARFESI Act? State and explain various objectives, advantages and process of SARFESI Act.
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