Bachelor of Commerce 2nd Semester
Business Economics - II
Paper: BCM-204
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note:-- This question paper consists of three parts. Attempt four questions from Part-A, each answer will carry 5 marks and attempt two questions each from the other Parts, each answer will carry 15 marks.
1. Factors influencing consumption function
2. Effective demand
3. Types of investment
4. Modern theory of interest
5. Neo classical theory of interest
6. Quasi rent
7. Critically explain the Ricardian theory of rent.
8. Briefly explain the liquidity preference theory of interest.
9. Explain the theories of profit.
10. Critically explain the marginal productivity theory of wages.
11. Critically explain the Keynesian theory of income, output and employment.
12. Explain the Keynes Psychological law of consumption.
13. Critically explain the investment multiplier.
14. What is the importance of investment in a developing nation? Suggest measures to increase investment.
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