B. Com (Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.))
3rd Semester
Economics: Development Economics
Max. Marks: 80] [ Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
I. Attempt any four of the following:-
a) State the main indicators of economic development.
b) What do you mean by the take-off stage?
c) What are the recent trends of Poverty in India?
d) Write a note on income inequality in India.
e) What is meant by forward linkages?
f) What is Sustainable Development?
Section - B
II. What is Economic Development? Discuss the various modern criteria to measure of economic development.
III. Discuss the development theory given by Karl Marx.
IV. Explain the role of economic and non-economic determinant in economic development.
V. Critically examine Schumpeter theory of development.
Section - C
VI. Explain Harrod model of economic growth.
VII. Explain the objectives of recent five year plan. Also discuss the main achievements of Latest five-year plan.
VIII. Explain Mahalanobis Model of Economic Planning.
IX. Discuss the causes and consequences of unemployment in India.
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