B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 4th Semester (Hons.)
Economics: Industrial Economics
Paper BCH-408
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note (1) Question No. 1 consists of SIX short answer questions. Attempt any FOUR short questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
(2) Attempt any TWO long answer questions each from Section B and Section C. Each question carries 15 marks.
1. Attempt any four short questions from the following:
(a) Give significance of Industrial Economics.
(b) Distinguish between the capital goods industry and the consumer goods industry.
(c) State Industrial productivity and efficiency.
(d) Define the Make in India Campaign.
(e) Give features of Industrial Policy Resolution 1956.
(f) Define the Disinvestment Policy of India.
2. Evaluate pattern of Industrial growth in India since 1991 economic reforms.
3. Discuss Sargent Florence theory of industrial location. 15
4. Bring out the role of Industry in India's economic development.
5. Suggest various measures to enhance the productivity and efficiency of public sector enterprises in India.
6. Bring out the major problems of the growth of industrialization in India.
7. Critically evaluate the 1991 Industrial Policy.
8. Bring out the favourable and unfavourable effects of privatization of Public Sector Enterprises in India.
9. Explain in detail problems of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India.
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