B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 6th Semester (Hons.)
Economics: International Economics
Paper: BCH-608
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: This question paper consists of three parts. Attempt FOUR questions from Part-A, each answer will carry 5 marks, and attempt TWO questions each from the other Parts, each answer will carry 15 marks.
1. Explain Gunnar Myrdal, Rahul Prebish and Hans Singer hypothesis on terms of trade?
2. Justify free trade in the event of adverse terms of trade? 3. Explain the reasons for capital outflow.
4. Explain PPP; how it is useful for international economic analysis?
5. Compare classical theory of international trade and modern theory of international trade.
6. What are the implications of CAD (Current Account Deficit)?
7. Critically explain Adam Smith's theory of foreign trade?
8. Prove "labour abundant nations import capital-intensive goods and capital abundant nations import labour intensive goods".
9. What are the merits and demerits of free trade?
10. What are the causes of adverse terms of trade? Also suggest measures for improvement.
11. Explain different components of the hypothetical balance of payments account?
12. What are the merits and demerits of fixed and flexible exchange rate?
13. What are the factors that determine foreign exchange rate? Suggest measures to increase foreign exchange rate.
14. What are the reasons for deficit in balance of payments account? Suggest measures to reduce deficit.
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