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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Bachelor of Commerce First Semester
BCM-102: English and Business Communication Skills

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

NOTE: Attempt all the parts of a question together.

Section - A

1. Answer any three questions in 100 - 120 words each:-

a) Explain the title of the story 'The Model Millionaire'? Describe how does the whole story revolve around this basic theme?

b) Discuss the character sketch of Della in chapter 'The Gift of Magi'

c) Why is Vikramaditya known as the greatest judge in India?

d) What was Suzanne's worry and anxiety with regard to her birthday and what gift she desire? 'Fur'

e) What did Lomov and Natalia fight about and what made them finally willing to marry? (A Marriage Proposal).

II. Answer to any one of the following in 300-350 words each:-

a) The two women in the story are a study in contrast. How do they differ from each other? (Fur).

b) Draw in your own words, a character sketch of Hughie Erskin in the story 'The Model Millionaire'.

III. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions at the end:-

Gratitude is our tribute of appreciation to the entire existence. This authentic feeling springs from a deep realization that our whole life depends on the kindness of others. These "others" could be our parents, our teachers, our friends, including a host of anonymous workers that make our daily life possible. From dawn to dusk, everything we do or experience is the result of the efforts of countless people, Gratitude is a close companion of both integrity and humility.

Gratitude without integrity is simply insincere flattery. It also requires humility to recognize the contribution of others. Gratitude originates from the heart and then opens our eyes to experience the richness and beauty of the nature. In our interpersonal relations, we should learn to express sincere gratitude towards others as feeling gratitude without expressing is like wrapping a present but not giving it to the other person. Our whole life depends upon the kindness and contribution of others. These could be our parents, teachers, friends and family members, and other people who make our daily living possible. Almost everything we notice depends upon the anonymous efforts of different people and object of existence. All the privileged things of life we enjoy are the result of countless efforts of different objects or persons in the environment. In fact the whole existence participated or collaborated. Gratitude contributes towards happiness and contentment in life. Therefore positive psychologists have found that the regular practice of gratitude is a "happiness booster". Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed and more satisfied with their lives and interpersonal relationships. Gratitude promotes a positive cycle of reciprocal kindness among people. This improves the level of happiness and enhances the quality of life.


a) What is gratitude?

b) Why should we express gratitude?

c) What is the role of gratitude in contributing to happiness.

d) Give the meaning of (a) Gratitude (b) Humility (c) Integrity (d) Privileged e) What is 'happiness boosters"?

IV. Match the words in Column - A with their meanings in Column - B.

Column - A

a) Perplexing

b) Frolicsome

c) Prudence

d) Ardent

e) Wriggle

f) Cobbled

Column - B







Section - B

V. Write a letter to a firm asking compensation for damages due to unsatisfactorily packing of goods supplied, resulting in damage/loss.


Draft a letter as Managing Director to your esteemed customers explaining the hardship faced by your company during the lockdown.

VI. Draft any four of the following:-

VII. a) Draft a Memo from Bank Manager to an employee for misbehaving with valued customers.

b) Draft a Public Notice regarding free vaccination camps in your city.

c) Draft a Tender Notice for the purchase of various stationery items in your college.

d) Prepare an Auction Notice for the auction of various residential flats in your city

e) Draft an Advertisement for the newly launched e-four (electric) wheeler by your company.

VIII. Attempt any two of the following:-

a) Grapevine communication

b) Objectives of communication

c) Methods to overcome barriers to communication


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